Hire Your Own Employees In India - FAQ

Benefits Related FAQ

1) What are the benefits of hiring employees in India vs. outsourcing in India?

Hiring your own employees reduces the dependence on third-party vendors and ensures the protection of intellectual property rights. It offers a low-cost, high-productivity, and scalable offshore model to meet the changing business needs.

2) If I am currently outsourcing, why should I hire employees in India?

Hiring your own employees offers a solid alternative to outsourcing some of the functions to third party vendors which otherwise could not be cost-effective due to the low volume and skills required to perform the functions It also offers flexibility to test different business ideas at a minimal cost.

Operational Arrangements Related FAQ

1) How do I hire employees through Profound in India?

Once you assess your employment needs in India, or if you want to try it out, contact Profound with the job profiles/roles of the employees you are looking for. Profound will work with you to understand your needs and take it from there.

2) What will be Profound’s role?

Profound will be the legal employer of your employees in India, while total operational control will be with you. Profound will handle all HR, finance, payroll, and infrastructure-related compliance related to the employees.

3) Is there a minimum number of employees I should consider?

Technically, you could start with one or two employees. However, given the employee retention and good returns on your time and money invested, we suggest starting with at least 4 employees.

4) How much lead time is needed to start?

Generally speaking, in India, notice periods range from 4 to 12 weeks. Finding the right candidate for the job needs time ranging from 1 to 3 months. We suggest starting with ample time so quality candidates can be selected.

5) What about infrastructure such as computers, internet, office space etc. ?

We can provide computers on your behalf and have employees work remotely. Alternatively, we can provide computers, internet office space at a fixed agreed-upon cost.

6) What are the cost savings hiring employees through Profound?

There are significant cost savings. Profound does not charge as much as traditional outsourcing arrangements. With hiring employees directly through Profound, you will gain further cost savings. More importantly you have control and flexibility over the employees and thereby retain good employees and enhance your business.

7) How do I reward employees for good performance or how do I manage bad performance?

You manage and monitor the employee work. If you would like to make changes in employee pay, we will work with you to implement them.

8) Who manages employees operationally?

Profound and/or you based on guidelines we create together will manage the employees. Profound is there to guide you /resolve any difficulties in your operations.

Compliance Related FAQ

1) How do I pay the employees?

Profound provides you with a monthly statement and you pay one single payment at the beginning of the month to Profound. Profound pays the employees.

2) What kind of HR compliance is involved?

There is no HR compliance required on your side. All HR compliance is handled by Profound.

3) Is there a long term contract I need to sign?

Remember that to reap the rewards of your investment, you need to give some time to make this work. There is no long-term contract or hidden fees, all costs are upfront and communicated clearly to you.

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US Office

Profound Business Services LLC
1431 Opus Place Suite 110,
Downers Grove,
Illinois 60515, USA
Phone: +1-630-755-0830

India Office

Profound Business Services LLC  4th Floor, Yashodhan Business Complex,
1187/11, Off Ghole Road,
Shivajinagar, Pune 411005
Phone: +91-8007775021